Basement Office ***Last Update***

May 28, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I will be updating this as I go along.

*** Scroll to, about, the bottom to see the last entry.  ***


Here is what I started with. Well...   ...thats not my stuff. That is a 'staged' pic of the previous owners stuff. But that is the basic space I had to work with. It is/was definitely a man cave. But... could be better. Right?  Its demo time. 


So I had to start with removing the ceiling, light fixtures, paneling and wallpaper. Then I pulled all the aluminum wire that I could and replaced it with copper as well as pulling several new runs (from the panel and NOT tied in to other aluminum runs like I found).


Here is some of the crazy I found inside the cabinets (Oh, and the stuff on the shelves, is mine). Yes, thats right. Steel shelving inside the cabinets. Yeah, so I have more work to do.  :)


So, now I'm here.  I installed can lights.


As you can see, in the black hole. there is some metal duct work running in the crawlspace. 



There is nothing but good times going on in there.


I raked the dirt to smooth it out, lined the floor with plastic.  


Pulled the metal duct work out.


Installed insulated flex duct and cap'd a run that was over kill.


Tied up some electrical runs. It does look a little better than that. I should have taken a shot when everything was complete. Tip: I filled every hole that leads out, with foam insulation. I did that throughout the crawlspace and in each room I work on. 



Then Bunny says 'Can we use something besides sheetrock on the ceiling? Maybe bead board?' Hmmm...   ...sure. Why not. So we decided to use this on the ceiling.


And here we go. The first run is in. I added a soffit around the drain and then added a few more can lights. There will be a work surface below, so Bunny can do her arts and crafts. I have no idea what that will look like yet.


Here are some progress shots.


Next, I had to build a soffit for the duct work.


Then its sheetrock time. Mud and sand. Mud and sand. Mud and sand.


Mud and sand. Mud and sand. It seems like it never ends. 


Next, I framed the opening to the crawlspace and made door. I used the reclaimed oak I pulled off the walls during demo. I did fill all the holes.


The door is finished. Now I need to pick out the hinges. 


I put the trim up around the ceiling. 



Bunny painted all the cabinets and doors. We put the hardware on and I got them hung.


I was looking at putting some tile down so I would have something between the shop and carpet in the office. This is what we picked out. 


I hit a snag a couple of nights ago. I was working on another side project when I felt a drip. I thought I had flung some of the finish I was laying down. I didn't really think much more about it until, a couple of minutes later, another drip hit my leg. 'OK. Whats going on?' I looked up and saw a bead of water hanging from one of the boards on the ceiling. Awesome. 


I pulled out my drill, put a whole in one of the boards, put the jig saw in and cut the board and pulled it down. Yeah. I suck. I drove a nail into one of the water lines. 

Here is a shot of the damaged part. Drove the nail right through the middle of that think. 

I replaced it with a piece of PEX plastic tubing. Its a lot easier to work with. Any time I have to replace any water lines, I will use PEX. 

Not my best work, sweating the brass fitting to the copper, but it doesn't leak. 

I fixed the ceiling and you can't really tell where I had to open it up. Back to filling nail holes then I can paint.

I finally had a minute to start laying the tile. First, I put down Hardybacker underlayment. I don't care what anyone says. Never lay tile right on concrete. That is, if you don't want to replace cracked tiles, over time. 

Now its time for the tile. 

Here it is finished. Now I have a landing pad/transition between the office and my shop. This way, I will be less likely to track anything bad from the shop onto the carpet in the office. Now its time to start painting the walls. 

The walls are finally painted. I'm going to pull all the carpet and pad, fix any cracks in the concrete floor and clean everything up. Then we are ready for the carpet guy next weekend, then I'll put in a little trim. The room will be officially complete minus the extras that will go in afterwards. 


The carpet guy came today. The carpet is in. He also did the stairs. It is amazing. Now I need to install the baseboards. 


I finally add the last piece of trim and am officially done. Well I have to add the built-in, but that will be a different post. Bunny has already started to put her spin on things. I am still setting up my workstations and sound system. I also have pics to hang, but the rest is complete.

Please forgive the vacuum. I am going to hear about that being in the above pic.

Thanks for checking it out.

More later...


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