Floating Desk

December 30, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Well, its been a minute since my last post. 


I was asked if I could build a floating desk as a Christmas gift. The below pic is what was requested. The desk shown below is 60” wide and has a lock on the front. The requested desk needed to be 36” to fit the space where it was going to end up and no lock. The plans for this desk can be found on Shanty 2 Chic.


I had a couple of 2x4’s on the rack. 

I had to pick up a 1x12. Some half inch plywood.  

A couple of 1x6’s and a 1x4.

I cut all the pieces I needed to size. 

 I drilled all the pocket holes.


 Everything was sanded before assembly. Then I started gluing, clamping, and screwing everything together. 


 I put the corbels together.

Then I sat them where I thought they would look and work the best.

Here is a shot of the inside of the desk.

I put a back on the desk. I didn't like how the plans called out for a cleat. I thought it looked kind of tacking inside the desk, plus it takes up 3” inside the desk. I glued, clamped and nailed the back into place along with the back top piece. 


I set the top lid on, measured out where I wanted the hinges.

Then I marked and drilled pilot holes. 


I went ahead and screwed the hinges in place and made sure the top fit and opened correctly.

I stained everything as requested and put 3 coats of poly on everything, with the exception of the top and the inside of the desk where I put an additional coat on. The surfaces that are used the most always get a extra coat or two. 

Here it is finished an mounted. I marked were the studs where on the back of the desk, drilled holes and used two cabinet screws to attach the desk to the wall. I had a helper for that part.


More later...


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